Michael George (show co-chair along with Maureen Crawford) was the Master of Ceremonies for the Bottle Battle. Mike dressed the part and did a great job.
New England Bottle Battle
We wanted to get some posts and pictures out as quickly as we could. It has been a great show! The Bottle Battle was another great event and was hugely popular. This was similar to last years Bottle Shootout at the Reno Expo. Next year it will be the “Run for the Roses” in Lexington, Kentucky for the FOHBC 2014 National Antique Bottle Show. Look for full coverage in the September | October issue of Bottles and Extras. The FOHBC thanks Norman C. Heckler for sponsoring the event.
All applicants had to fill out and sign a form for liability purposes.
All Photographs by FOHBC Official Show Photographer Scott Selenak

New England Bottle Battle marketing material designed by Michael George. This design was used on all Federation applications. Show co-chair.

New England Bottle Battle marketing material used by Norman C. Heckler for their applications. They were the sponsors for the event.

Applicant sign-in pose. Janet George (left), Dana Charlton-Zarro (center) and Maureen Crawford (right, show co-chair)

Judging Whimsical Objects. Look at this crazy handled cathedral pickle submitted by Jeff Noordsy. (Steve Swiechowicz, Tom Marshall and Eric Correia)

Winner of the Whimsical Objects category. Handled E. Waters, Troy, NY ink submitted by Kevin Sives (possible creamer w/o spout)

Kevin Sives winner of the Whimsical Objects category gets his acrylic award in the shape of New Hampshire.

Some serious judging for the Colored Medicine category. Jimmy Chebalo (left), Holly Noordsy (center) and Mark Yates (right)

Then there were just three bottles left. Two were owned by Fred Swiechowicz. One was a Maseker’s Balm of Gilead in beautiful olive amber. The second bottle was an incredible emerald green Anders and Fosdick Iodine Water. The third bottle to make the cut was a half gallon Dr. Wynkoops Sarsaparilla bottle in an always favorite blue owned by Dr. Charles Aprill of New Orleans.

Winner of the Colored Medicine category. The legendary Dr. Charles Aprill (New Orleans) with his prized Dr. Wynkoop’s Sarsaparilla.
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