Enfield Connecticut Bottle Show Report
02 March 2017
This past weekend I was able to attend the 44th annual Somers Bottle Club Show and Sale held in Enfield Conn. Once again the show was held at the St. Bernard’s School West Campus. I have been attending this show for many years and always come home with something.
This year I had Jim and Val Berry as well as Jim Healy riding with me. There is nothing like a day out with friends enjoying the hobby. As always, the place was packed and the dealers tables once again sold out early. There are just over 50 sales tables but the show always has something for everyone. I was able to buy two more Bininger bottles for my collection. Since taking on writing a book about Bininger’s I have grown to like them more and more.
Jim Healy had to make two trips to the van to put the stuff he bought away so he could get more. I love to see the smiles on my friends faces when they land a great find.
Of course the number one question I was asked is how many tables have you sold for the 2017 Springfield National? We are closing in on 200 and still have some great spots left open. As far as the hotel goes, we are running out of rooms and are trying to make arrangements with another hotel next door for the overflow. However it is clear already that we will not be able to hold the same low price we got with the first hotel. As they say, the early bird gets the worm. If you plan on getting a room, do it fast. The host hotel has less than 40 rooms left.
For many years Rose Sokol was the show chairman for the Enfield show and built it to what it is today. Now Don Desjardins has taken over and seems to have things right on track. Early admission is still just $10 and regular admission just $2. The school was on hand to supply food and drinks which is always a plus for the dealers. I have to tell you if you have never been to this show you have to go. Mark your calendars for next year and I will see you there. As always have supplied photos of the show. A photo speaks a thousand words.
Jim Bender
FOHBC Historian
2017 Springfield National Co-Chairman

This was just a great Warner’s Safe Bottle with label and contents. The Fish bottle was also priced very fair.
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