Empire State Bottle Collectors Association has its 47th Annual Spring Show
05 April 2017
This past Sunday, April 2nd, I attended the 47th Annual Empire State Bottle Collectors Association spring show. The show once again was held at the Cicero American Legion located at 5575 Legionnaire Drive in Cicero NY.
This year the weather was beautiful. Last year a snow storm hit hard the morning of the show at it clearly slowed things down but the show went on. With the great weather there also was a great turn out in both dealers and attendees. The show room was crowded all day and everyone seemed to be having a great time.
Keon Kellogg served as the show chairman. Keon handles the spring show for the club and Barry Haynes handles the fall show. Keon was ready to great me as soon as I arrived and showed me where my tables were. The club also gave the dealers a free drink and morning snack to start off the day.
As always I got many questions about the FOHBC 2017 Springfield National. The number one question has become about the auction. We still don’t have details but are working on them and should have some answers soon. The second most asked question is about the table sales which are near 200 already with contracts coming in at a slow but steady pace.
I once again was able to buy a few things for my collection as I always do at every show I go to. Late FOHBC Hall of Famer Howard Deans family was there selling a few more of Howards bottles so I had to grab another one or two. As always Howards right hand man, Jon Landers, was there to give them some advice.
Bottle friends live on long after our life is gone. That’s what makes this such a great hobby. The Empire Club understands that and that is why they put on two great shows a year. Don’t miss the fall show and always support the shows. Shows are the foundation of our hobby. I have included some photos of the show so you can see what we all enjoyed.
Jim Bender
FOHBC Historian
FOHBC 2017 Springfield National Co-Chairman

Fran Hughes had a great table of bottles for sale. Fran is still taking Displays for the Springfield National. See the FOHBC Springfield link for more info.

Aaron Weber co-chair for the Rochester Bottle show looks around. Don’t miss the Rochester show in a few weeks. Check the FOHBC show listings for shows near you.

John Golley and Keon Kellogg show chairman watch over the show. John served as President of the Empire Club for years.

Howard Deans son-in-law and grandson were there selling some of Howard Sr’s bottles. The people just loved it as did Howard.
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