Forks of the Delaware Bottle Collectors 42nd Annual Show
This past weekend I was able to attend the Forks of the Delaware Bottle Collectors 42nd Annual Show, commonly known as the Bethlehem Show. The show is held in the same great location since 1978 which is The Catholic High School located on Madison and Dewberry Avenue. It is easy to find and there is plenty of parking once you get there. I had not been to this show for about 7 or 8 years because something always came up, so this year I planned ahead and had Jim and Val Berry as company to make the four hour ride. As always, we had a great time traveling and joking around. This was Jim and Val’s first time to Bethlehem.
Dick Tucker has been show chairman for over 30 years and now has Bill Hegedus on board as a co-chairman. These guys are doing a super job. The show had not changed much since my last visit. There were 120 plus sales tables with dealers from 12 States on the floor. What is nice about a show in this location is that you get a great group of bottles from both the Northeast and the South. You can see everything from historical flasks to paint labeled sodas. The show runs from 9:00 am to 2:00 pm with a $20 early admission at 7:30 am. When I asked what the attendance was at just after noon they said they were at 460 people paid admission. This is a fantastic turnout for any bottle show. Great job guys!
Visit: Forks of the Delaware Bottle Collectors on Facebook
Jonathan Siedt and Shelly Lorenzo were going table to table selling raffle tickets for a nice pint Congress and Empire Water bottle. I gave it a shot but left before the drawing. I, like many other collectors, buy raffle tickets to support the cause and not just to win.
I was so pleased to see how well the Bethlehem Show was being run and how many people were there to enjoy the clubs hard work. I learned that Brain Shield was becoming the new club president on January 1st. It is nice to see collectors step up and take on the tasks that a club requires. I am sure Brian will keep the ball rolling. The club currently has over 70 members and puts out a newsletter every month. Dues are just $10 a year. Next November, remember to attend the Forks of the Delaware Show held the first Sunday after Thanksgiving. See you there.
Once again at the show, I was asked by many people when they could get their 2017 contracts for the FOHBC 2017 National Antique Bottle Convention to be held in Springfield, Mass. Bob Strickhart and I, are co-chairing the show together and are very pleased with how many people are telling us they will be there. People are really getting excited about the show. We have a lot of good things coming for the antique bottle hobby. I am getting a little worried that our 400 table hall may be too small. Our goal is to have a FOHBC National Convention bigger and better than there has been in years. We look forward to seeing you all there. Don’t miss this one!
Jim Bender
FOHBC Historian
2017 National Convention Co-Chairman

90% of the tables at the show are antique bottles but I had to include these cool clocks that were for sale. All were running.
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