Presidents Message (March – April 2016)

Sitting down at my desk, on this first back-to-work Monday after New Years, I conjure up a vision of a stove with lots of pots-a-cooking. The kettle labeled antique bottle events has us all looking forward to the stretch leading up to the FOHBC 2016 Sacramento National Antique Bottle Convention & Expo this August. We have a coordination conference call later in the week and plan to step it up a notch or two. We are also pleased that we locked in Springfield, Massachusetts for our 2017 National Antique Bottle Convention, and by the time you read this message, the FOHBC 2018 National Antique Bottle Convention & Expo will have been announced for Cleveland, Ohio. We really have our teams in place and our wheels in motion. I suppose we should start thinking about the 2019 Convention in the Southern Region. Planning ahead has many benefits. READ

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FOHBC _President Art

March - April 2016_PresMessage