The Sacramento National Souvenir Program, at 140 pages including covers, was the largest and nicest program by the Federation ever. Certainly to become a collectors piece.
FOHBC 2016 Sacramento National Antique Bottle Convention & Expo | Early Dealer Registration
Early Dealer Registration | Lions Gate Hotel, Club Ballroom Foyer, Thursday afternoon, August 4th, 3:00 – 5:00 pm
Registration packets and complementary souvenir programs were available on Thursday afternoon at the Federations tables adjacent at the Lions Gate Hotel Club Ballroom Foyer. Folks could get their dealer or early admission packet before the crowd. The audience was also able to join or renew their FOHBC membership and purchase FOHBC merchandise. What a great way to display the convention logo as everyone had to wear their lanyard.
All photographs are by our official show photographer, Angelina (Gina) Pellegrini unless otherwise noted.

Full room. Tables for registration, early admission, admission, membership and merchandise. Each staffed by great FOHBC volunteers.

A large floor plan – table layout was available for dealers to spot their table. The same information was in the Souvenir Program.

Jim Bender holding court. Probably pushing the FOHBC 2017 Springfield National Antique Bottle Convention & Expo.

Left to Right: Laurel Ritz, Lisa McGuire, Delores Siri & Bev Siri. The best helpers you could get! Bev was a co-chair for the national.
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