42nd Richfield (Ohio) Show Was a Great Time for All
13 September 2016
Last Sept. 11, Linda and I attended the Ohio Bottle Club’s 42nd annual Richfield (Ohio) Show and Sale for our first trip to that city. We travel to the Mansfield (Ohio) show every year, but until now we’d never made it to the other.
I am a firm believer in practicing what we preach. You have heard me say repeatedly that we should support the younger people of our hobby whenever we can. Two years ago, the Richfield show was taken over by Louis Fifer (FOHBC Conventions Director) and Matt Lacy (FOHBC Midwest Director). The show had not been held due to a lack of a show chairman. Louis’ father, John, had also run the show for a few years. When there was a chance of it not being held again, Louis and Matt stepped up to fill the bill as show co-chairmen. Not only are they doing Richfield, they also are handling Mansfield Antique Bottle Show and both will step into the roles as co-chairmen for the great FOHBC 2018 Cleveland National Antique Bottle Convention & Expo. These two guys really love the hobby!
This year’s Richfield show was held in a well-lighted ballroom in the Days Inn & Suites, 4742 Breckville Road. Mark this address down so you can be there next year, too. We arrived in time to attend Saturday’s hospitality dinner held for the dealers. We ran into many old friends and made many new ones. Ohio Bottle Club President Alan DeMaison (also FOHBC Virtual Museum director) should be proud of what Matt and Louis are doing not just for his club, but for the FOHBC.

During the dinner, club President Alan DeMaison (standing right) made the rounds welcoming everyone to the show.
The whole day at the show Sunday was busy and we did sell a bunch of bottles as well as answering many questions about the 2017 Springfield National.

Linda Sheppard watches over the 2017 Springfield National table and our sales table while I am out taking photos and shaking hands.
There was only one time during the day that the show room was completely quiet and no movement what so ever accrued. That was at 9:59 when Louis Fifers wife to be Lindsey made an announcement that we would have a moment of silence in honor of the people who lost their lives on Sept 11 , 2001. The room stood completely still for a minute as a tribute to the thousands of people who perished that day.
I also assured the people of Ohio that once we get to Springfield, Bob Strickhart and I will start promoting Cleveland for them in 2018. These super shows or conventions take years to plan and cannot be handled by any one or two people. Just last week we asked Ferdinand Meyer to help with an activity for visitors to do on Thursday afternoon in Springfield before Pre-Registration and the Battle of Springfield bottle competition on Thursday night. Ferd has already come up with some great ideas. Keep watch for future releases on Thursdays activities.
Also, our hotel in Springfield called me and said that my room night allotment that I reserved for Wednesday night for convention attendees were used up. I had gone a little light on Wednesday not knowing how many people would come in a day early. Not to fear, we quickly raised the room nights and all is good for now. Steve, our contact at the hotel, told me they host a lot of events but he has never seen this many booking this far out from an event.
All I have to say is, Springfield here we come!
Read Springfield National Info Packet
Jim Bender,
FOHBC Historian,
Co-chairman 2017 FOHBC National Antique Bottle Convention & Expo

Joe Hardin (red shirt) former FOHBC Co-Chair of the FOHBC 2010 Wilmington National Antique Bottle Show visiting with another collector.

Adam and Phyllis Koch visit with Jim Hagenbuch. Adam and Phyllis put out the clubs newsletter, The Ohio Swirl. Phyllis will also be a banquet speaker at the Springfield National, remembering her good friend Elma Watson.
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