The New England Antique Bottle Collectors Club 51st Show
11 April 2017
This past Sunday I attended the New England Antique Bottle Collectors Clubs 51st annual show and sale. This was my first time to this show as it normally runs the same day as the Empire State Show and I attend that show every year. This just goes to show you with a little work between clubs, collectors can attend more shows and not have to make a choice.
Jack Pelletier is one of the show chairman. We call Jack the “Bininger Man.” When I asked Jack how long he had been doing the show he said a long time with a smile. I learned he joined the club in 1971 and started doing the show sometime around that time. Gerry Sirois worked with Jack for years but this year Rick Carney took Gerry’s place.
Note: The two advertisements above have been purchased by the Dover Show Chairs for inclusion in the FOHBC Springfield National Souvenir Program. Please contact Jim Berry or Val Berry to inquire.
The weather was as good as it could get with temps in the low seventies. The show is held at the Dover Elks Club located at 282 Durham Roads in Dover, New Hampshire. This is an easy place to find and I had no problems getting there. A nice sign was out by the road to mark the driveway. Signs don’t have to be fancy to work. I spotted this one just fine.
This is the first show I ever paid an early admission to which was $15. I get up early in the morning and thought I may as well go to the show early and get started back home early. It takes me 5 hours to get there.
The show room is well lit with many windows for natural light as well. They get about 55 sales tables of just bottles and hardly no collectables. The quality of the bottles is very good as most England shows are. Let’s face it, most great glass comes from the New England area. I cannot wait to see what comes to Springfield this August at the FOHBC 2017 National Antique Bottle Convention & Expo. Last Friday night I left the house without my Springfield contracts. I told the people who asked for one to just drop me a line and I would mail them one. You can also down load one on line at the FOHBC web site. See PDF of Dealer Packet & Contract
I saw many great bottles at Dover that you just don’t see at shows anymore. I have included a few photos of some of them as well as some show images.
They also had homemade baked goods and food for sale. I bought two of the mini pies and they are great. Next year mark your calendars and plan on joining Jack and the guys at Dover. Jack tells me he will be there as long as he can. I will back next year for sure. Remember folks shows are the backbone of our hobby. Support your local shows whenever you can.
Jim Bender
FOHBC Historian, 2017 Springfield National Chair

Michael George was set up with some of his great bottles. Mike is a member of Team Springfield heading up the Educational Seminars.

The “Bininger Man” Jack Pelletier show co-chairman. I showed Jack a copy of his advertisement (above) for the Springfield souvenir program and he loved it. This is the first time he has ever run an ad in a FOHBC program.

Here’s a new one for the Bininger guys. I took some nice photos of this bottle for my upcoming book on Bininger Bottles. A rare find for sure. Also not for sale.

As always Norm Heckler and Norm Jr. (Norman C. Heckler & Co. Auctions) were there to support the New England guys.
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