August 1-3 for Lexington in 2014!
Latest Update – 17 August 2014
Post Show Web Articles:
FOHBC Board Meeting at the 2014 Lexington National Antique Bottle Show
FOHBC General Membership Meeting at the 2014 Lexington National Antique Bottle Show
FOHBC Hat Contest at the 2014 Lexington National Antique Bottle Show
FOHBC 2014 Lexington National | Saturday Morning Seminars
FOHBC 2014 Lexington National Cocktail Party & Awards Banquet
FOHBC “Run for the Roses” Bottle Competition Event at the 2014 Lexington National
Glass Works “Thoroughbred Auction” at the Lexington National
Those Lucky Raffle Winners at the FOHBC 2014 Lexington National
Educational Displays at the FOHBC 2014 Lexington National
The Price’s Patent Texas Tonic makes and appearance at the Lexington National
Early Admission: Early admission is on Saturday, August 2nd from 1:00 pm to 5:00 pm and is for non-dealers that would like the privilege of buying early at the show with the dealers. The early admission fee will be $60 for individuals or a family couple (including minor children). This price includes a complimentary souvenir program. Discounted cost for early admission to National Shows is another privilege of FOHBC membership. The discounted rate for current paid up Federation members is $45. You can become a member at the show at the Admissions Table and enjoy this discount!
General Admission: Admission time for Sunday, August 3rd, will be 8:00 am for dealers and early buyers. The general public will be admitted at 9:00 am. The General admission cost will be $5. The show will end at 3:00 pm.
Show Schedule:
Contract & Information Packet:
[Click for Contract & Information]
Lexington National News
29 July 2014 – Dealer Loading Area
18 July 2014 – Show Souvenir Program
11 July 2014 – FOHBC Hat Contest
27 June 2014 – Raffle News
Jeff Wichmann makes Major Contribution to Lexington National Raffle Pot
Great news! A $5 thousand dollar donation has been given to the FOHBC Lexington National Show to conduct a series of raffles during the show (both early admission and general admission*). The FOHBC thanks this well known west coast auctioneer and bottle giant for this generous gift. Another GREAT reason to attend the show! Visit American Bottle Auctions
As noted, we will be using this donation plus another $500 anonymous donation to have raffles on Saturday for the early buyers and $$ prizes throughout the day on Sunday. Dealers setting up at the show are also eligible for these raffles. Vouchers will be given to the lucky winners to be spent at the show or the auction only.
Raffle Times: Saturday (3 drawings) at 2, 3 and 4:00 pm. Sunday: Every half hour from 10:00 am until 1:30 pm.
There will also be a $100 prize (show gift certificate) announced at the Banquet on Friday night.
*FOHBC officers, show chairpersons, and their spouses/partners or children are not eligible for the $5,000 promotion. Any consultants to the FOHBC are also not eligible.
23 June 2014 – Schedule of Events
20 May 2014 – Top 25 Kentucky Bottle List
In honor of and in preparation for the upcoming FOHBC 2014 National Antique Bottle Show in Lexington, Kentucky, we thought it would be nice to look at the Top 25 Kentucky’s Rarest Bottles. I will try to add pictures if I have actual examples, file pictures or if I can obtain pictures. Please help if you have images of any of these great bottles. We can only hope that some of these examples will make an appearance in the regional display exhibit at the Lexington National Show. SEE LIST
See list of Top 25 Rarest Kentucky Bitters Bottles
16 May 2014 – New Sponsorship Opportunity at Lexington
The FOHBC 2014 National Antique Bottle Show in Lexington, Kentucky is introducing Aisle Floor Stickers. For only $75, lead visitors to your table, promote your service or tout what you collect with a 4′ x 4′ floor sticker featuring your own custom logo and art. The large, attractive floor stickers jump out at visitors and will be placed strategically on the bottle showroom floor.
A few examples that have already been purchased are represented below. Limited opportunity!!! Please contact Ferdinand or Elizabeth at or to reserve your sticker!
07 May 2014 – 2014 FOHBC National Antique Bottle Show Progress Report
The final preparations for the 2014 FOHBC National Antique Bottle Show in Lexington, Kentucky are now under way. Show Co-chairs, Randee Kaiserand Sheldon Baugh, along with Conventions Director Tom Phillips have just returned from Lexington where they again met with key local officials to work out final details ahead of the August 1st opening date. Read More
22 April 2014 – 2014 National Antique Bottle Show Seminars
Tom Phillips, FOHBC Conventions Director, Sheldon Baugh and Randee Kaiser, show co-chairs, and Dr. James D. Houdeshell, seminar coordinator for the 2014 FOHBC National Antique Bottle Show inLexington, Kentucky have arranged for six seminars that will be presented by prominent collectors on various collecting topics in the Hyatt Hotel. The seminars will take place on Saturday morning, August 2nd from 9:00 am until 12:00 noon. Seminars are open to any member of the Federation or person attending the show. Please mark your calendar now! SEE POST
15 April 2014 – Dealer News
Our next milestone is 200 tables. We have the capability for 325 tables. Don’t wait, sign up now for a table for the biggest national bottle show this year! See List
07 March 2014 – Deadline for Show Souvenir Program Advertising is June 1st!
Deadline for advertising in the 2014 Lexington National Show Souvenir Program in June 1st, 2014! RESERVE YOUR AD NOW! See contract Page 3 for information.
15 February 2014 – Drawing Announced for the Run for the Roses competition
A free drawing for a quart scroll flask will be held for the Run for the Roses competition on Friday night, August 1st. Attendees will receive a ticket when they enter the room. The drawing will be held at the end of the competition. The winner must be present. FOHBC officers, board members, show chairpersons, and immediate family will not be eligible.
WIN, PLACE, and SHOW will be awarded for each bottle category. WIN will receive a $100 gift certificate. PLACE will receive a $50 gift certificate. SHOW will receive a $25. gift certificate. The gift certificates must be redeemed at the show. More information is below.

GIX-1 scroll flask, blue aqua, quart size. Mint, open pontil with a sheared lip. It is unidentified as to the glasshouse by McKearin book. Probably Louisville Glassworks or an other midwestern glass house.
24 January 2014 – Display at the National Show!
Updated 11 July 2014
Displays at the Lexington National
Arthur Besinger & Sharon Reisman – Baby Bottles
Gene Bradberry – Tennessee Cola
Dennis Smith – Celery Cola
Dale Murschell – End of Day Glass Whimsies
Tom Lines & Steve Holland – Schafer & Vater Giveaway Bottles, Flasks, & Decanters Blue & White Glaze Only
Jim Hubbard – Kentucky Pocket Flasks
Tom Sproat – 19th Century Glassmaking Tools
Bruce Wood & Ron Dadiras – Pharmacy Bottles
David Berry – Strap Side Half Pints
Tom Phillips – Price’s Patent Texas Tonic
Ron Hands – Early American Wax Sealers
Midwest and Kentucky Feature Bottle Display (Collective Effort)
Dick Watson – FOHBC History
Jim Bender – Reproduction Bottles
Ferdinand Meyer V & Steven Libbey – Virtual Museum Filming
Please VOTE for your favorite display! “Best in Show” and “Most Educational” award plaques will be given. Announcement of winners on Sunday, 3 August at 2:00 pm.
04 November 2013 – Reproduction Presentation at Lexington
Jim Bender will conduct two live presentations on reproductions of historic bottles on Sunday, August 3 at 10:30 am and 1:30 pm at the FOHBC National Show in Lexington, KY. He will demonstrate how to identify these facsimiles and discuss what makes them an interesting collectable category. Presentations will be held at his display inside the exhibit hall.
28 October 2013 – 2014 Lexington National Planning Field Trip
On October 23rd, FOHBC Conventions Director Tom Phillips, 2nd Vice-President Jamie Houdeshell and National Show Co-chairs Sheldon Baugh and Randee Kaiser travelled to Lexington, Kentucky, for a day-long series of meetings with key officials from the hotel, convention center and the local visitors bureau. The purpose of the trip at this time, according to Tom Phillips, was to firm up plans while doing a detailed on-site survey of the facilities and resources for the 2014 National Antique Bottle Show. READ ARTICLE by Randee Kaiser.
18 October 2013 – PRESS RELEASE
Keeping in mind that Kentucky is the epicenter of Bourbon production, the FOHBC has selected the speaker for the 2014 National Antique Bottle Show Banquet in Lexington, Kentucky. Michael R. Veach will welcome the Banquet attendees to Kentucky Bourbon country and speak on Kentucky Bourbon history. Mr. Veach is associate curator of Special Collections at the Filson Historical Society. He is a bourbon historian and a member of the Kentucky Bourbon Hall of Fame. Mr. Veach’s book is posted below. He will be conducting a book-signing event along with other Kentucky Bourbon authors on Sunday during the show.
Read: They call him Mr. Bourbon…
01 September 2013 – Glass Works Auctions
Auction Now ONLINE! (12 July 2014)
The Glass Works Auctions advertisement for their Thoroughbred Auction.
31 August 2013 (updated 15 June 2014)
The above art for the bottle competition was approved by the FOHBC Lexington National committee. Win, Place and Show awards will be given for each bottle category. If you remember we had the Shootout at the 2012 Reno Expo and the Bottle Battle at the 2013 Manchester National.
We will also have a judged event on who is wearing the coolest hat during the Cocktail Hour before the banquet. Think Kentucky or ‘bottle’ theme for both ladies and gents! An aqua Midwestern decanter will be awarded to the winner during the banquet.
“Run For The Roses” Bottle Competition
The “Run for The Roses” bottle compitition will be held at the Hyatt Regency Patterson C and D Rooms on Friday, August 1st after the Banquet. There will be three categories. Each category will have three judges. The categories are:
- Midwestern Swirl Bottles (to include swirled, broken-swirled, and vertically ribbed bottles in all forms)
- Historical Scroll Flasks (to include all sizes of flasks)
- Wax Sealer Jars (to include mold blown as well as free blown jars in any size)
Security will be provided.
For additional information contact: Jamie Houdeshell, phone: 419.722.3184, e-mail
28 July 2013

Tom Phillips
Conventions Director
15 July 2013 – Contract and Show Information Published
Please click the above art for a Dealer Contract and Show Information. You can download and print this PDF file.
18 September 2012 – PRESS RELEASE:
The 2014 FOHBC National Show will be held Sunday, August 3rd at the Lexington Convention Center in Lexington, Kentucky. The Hyatt Regency Lexington will be the host hotel and is connected to the Convention Center. Sheldon Baugh and Randee Kaiser will be serving as co-show chairpersons. Lexington is a historic city (founded 1775) located at the cross-section of Interstate 64 and 75. Louisville, KY and Cincinnati,OH are just an hour away. Lexington has many area attractions including: Ashland (Henry Clay’s Home), Mary Todd Lincoln’s House, Shaker Village at Pleasant Hill, and thoroughbred horse farms.
Be sure to save the date of August 1-3 for Lexington in 2014!
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