2019 FOHBC 50th Anniversary National Antique Bottle Convention | Augusta, Georgia | General Admission – On the Tables
Augusta Convention Center | Olmstead Hall
Saturday, 03 August 2019 | 8:00 am – 5:00 pm
12 September 2019

So far, we’ve put out nine (9) Augusta events on the FOHBC web site and social media. This includes all the special events from Thursday, 01 August, like the FOHBC Board Meeting, Mike & Julie Newman Open House, Augusta Museum of History Reception and Sweet Georgia Peaches Bottle Competition. We also covered the Friday, 02 August events, such as the Membership Breakfast, Educational Seminars, Ribbon Cutting, Youth Corner and the Banquet. You can also read the Augusta Souvenir Program.

Now we are going into the heart of our convention. We go through the entry doors of Olmstead Hall at the Augusta Convention Center and we’ll look at all the exciting bottles, glass and related material on the dealer tables. Our floor plan is below and an Early Admission room shot above. See if you can spot the authentic Divco Milk Truck display!

We thought we would share a few pictures taken by our event photographer, Elizabeth Lacy who is also our Public Relations officer. We think she did a great job taking pictures of tables that caught her attention.
Read more about the 2019 FOHBC 50th Anniversary National Antique Bottle Convention in Augusta, Georgia
FOHBC Board Meeting • Mike & Julie Newman Open House • Augusta Museum of History Reception • Sweet Georgia Peaches Bottle Competition • Membership Breakfast • Educational Seminars • Ribbon Cutting • Banquet • Youth Corner • Augusta Educational Displays • People on the Showroom Floor • Augusta Prizes and Drawings • Augusta Souvenir Program.

Great southern bottles. Cobalt blue and amber Frog Pond Chill & Fever Cure bottles with a River Swamp (embossed alligator) cure.

A nice grouping on historical glass and bottle books.

Great grouping of Atlanta Hutchinson sodas.

Jewelry made from found bottle and glass shards.

Simon’s Centennial Bitters (bust of George Washington)

Little banjo player and poison bottles.

Three oinkers. Top two are Berkshire Bitters. Bottom is a Louisville Duffy Crescent Saloon figural pig.

Gorgeous John Ryan sodas from Savannah.

Nice assortment of antique bottles. Bitters, whiskies and medicines.

Barber bottles.

Nice clean presentation of bottles.

Great southern pottery surrounding regional sodas and South Carolina Dispensary flasks.

Old Dr. J. Townsend Sarsaparilla in a killer blue coloration.

Soda pop caps always look great when presented for sale.

Contemporary face and South Carolina snake and palm tree jugs. Always popular.

A bit of everything. The figural bitters (corn, barrel and cabin) really stand out.

Drug store counter-top soda dispensers.

Row upon row of aqua and clear bottles.

Gorgeous South Carolina Dispensary bottles with embossed palm tree.

S C Dispensary cylinder.

Nice Pitkin flasks and other goodies.

Super looking glass balls set in utility jars.

Southern pottery with a N.Y. merchant jug.

Looks like Pittsburgh stoneware.

A fantastic labeled Gerkin’s cathedral pickle from Boston.

Killer dark green Saratoga and Congress mineral waters.

Just fun bottles to look through. Pickles, meds, bitters, ale etc.

Fantastic figural bitters. Hall’s Barrel, figural pineapple, Baker’s Orange Grove Bitters, Drake’s Plantation Bitters, to name a few.

Extremely rare Winfree’s Bitters from Petersburgh, Virginia

Cone inks set in a little bottle niche.

Savannah merchant jugs.

Nice decoration on this cup.

Tableware mixed in with bottles.

Fantastic colors on these very nice bottles.

Fish Bitters always look great on a table.

Really like this H.J. Heinz dispenser. Bet it looked different filled.

Pontiled Mobile medicine.

Back-bar bottles in great condition.

Aqua soda bottles.

Two nice candlestick holders.

Globe fruit jars.

Now that’s an interesting piece!

Little druggist and medicine bottles.

Bottles in all price ranges.

Crystals and arrowheads.

A nice bowl

Like those Charles Brown sodas.

Beautiful blue bird stoneware.

Blue bottles always stand out

Some nice poisons.
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