2019 FOHBC 50th Anniversary National Antique Bottle Convention | Augusta, Georgia | FOHBC General Membership Meeting Breakfast
Augusta Marriott Oglethorpe Ballroom
Friday, 02 August 2019 | 7:00 to 8:30 am
08 September 2019
The FOHBC bylaws require that an annual meeting be held with our members during our national convention. In past years, we had the meeting on the first day, directly after the FOHBC board meeting after a quick lunch break. Problem was, only a handful of members would show up, as many had not arrived in town yet or they weren’t inclined to start off their bottle trip with a meeting. Anyway, back in 2015 at the Chattanooga National, we decided to have a membership meeting breakfast. You know the old adage, have food and they will come.
This free buffet breakfast meeting for FOHBC members has proven to be very successful though expenses have increased and may prohibit this format in future years. This year for example, for $18 per person plus tax and service charge, the buffet consisted of orange juice and house blend coffee, seasonal fruit and berries, scrambled eggs, sausage links and local grits with cheese on the side. We are presently looking at options such as a Continental Breakfast, charging for breakfast, getting the breakfast sponsored or taking donations at the door. At any event, when a persons membership cost barely covers the magazine Bottles and Extras, we can not afford to pay for a breakfast too out of our limited operational funds. Stay tuned here as we want you to attend the meeting in the future. Your voice needs to be heard.
This year, FOHBC president Matt Lacy was responsible for holding court. His agenda included a recap of the previous days Augusta convention events, what was coming, discussion about the upcoming Reno 2020 convention, bylaw changes, and a recap of the previous days Board of Directors meeting. Once our meeting notes are posted, you can read them here.
Friday we started off with the Membership Breakfast and it was great to sit and meet other members and also hear the latest updates from Matt and the board.
Tom Pettit – Safety Harbor, Florida
The breakfast meeting was again a success. What a great way to lead into our Educational Seminars.
We thought we would share a few pictures taken by our event photographer, Elizabeth Lacy who is also our Public Relations officer and of course, Matt’s wife.
Read more about the 2019 FOHBC 50th Anniversary National Antique Bottle Convention in Augusta, Georgia
FOHBC Board Meeting • Mike & Julie Newman Open House • Augusta Museum of History Reception • Sweet Georgia Peaches Bottle Competition • Educational Seminars • Ribbon Cutting • Banquet • Youth Corner • On the Tables • Augusta Educational Displays • People on the Showroom Floor • Augusta Prizes and Drawings • Augusta Souvenir Program.

FOHBC President Matt Lacy and FOHBC First Vice President Louis Fifer. We suppose the matching outfits was planned. Way too much of a coincidence!

Team Augusta member Ferdinand Meyer V, gives an overview of the previous days events and what was to come.
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