2019 FOHBC 50th Anniversary National Antique Bottle Convention | Augusta, Georgia | FOHBC Board Meeting
Augusta Marriott Hamilton Room
Thursday, 01 August 2019 | 8:00 am to noon
05 September 2019
The first event for any FOHBC national antique bottle show is actually the board meeting. The nineteen FOHBC board members are requested to attend, preferably in person, although we have a conference line for officers who cannot make the show. Read about the 2018 – 2020 officers here. FOHBC members, as guests, are welcome to attend in a non-speaking capacity.
The FOHBC president, Matt Lacy, is responsible for running the four-hour meeting which covers just about every important issue facing our organization and hobby. We discuss among other things, our national events, our magazine, web site, social media, virtual museum, finances and the state and future of the hobby of bottle collecting. The time goes by fast when you have such an agenda with an exciting group of dedicated and passionate directors. Read our Agenda here. Once our Meeting Notes are posted, you can read them here.
Ferdinand Meyer V passed out the Augusta Souvenir Programs which were hot off the press. There were 113 advertisers. The program netted $16,320 in sales and cost under $5,000 to print and ship. The FOHBC comped the National Bottle Museum, Jelly Jammers and the International Perfume Bottle Association with free ads and traded ads with the National Association of Milk Bottle Collectors and British Bottle Review magazine. Read the program here.
We finished on time although we will continue some meeting agenda items on a future conference call. Next stop: Mike & Julie Newman Open House.
We thought we would share a few pictures taken by our event photographer, Elizabeth Lacy who is also our Public Relations officer and of course, Matt’s wife.
Read more about the 2019 FOHBC 50th Anniversary National Antique Bottle Convention in Augusta, Georgia
Mike & Julie Newman Open House • Augusta Museum of History Reception • Sweet Georgia Peaches Bottle Competition • Membership Breakfast • Educational Seminars • Ribbon Cutting • Banquet • Youth Corner • On the Tables • Augusta Educational Displays • People on the Showroom Floor • Augusta Prizes and Drawings • Augusta Souvenir Program.

FOHBC Business Manager, Elizabeth Meyer with Isabella Alucema, Youth Events Coordinator for Augusta.

Left to right: John Fifer (Midwest Director), Jim Berry (Treasurer) and Val Berry (Merchandise Director).

FOHBC Secretary, Andrew Rapoza, reviews the Augusta Souvenir Program which was distributed prior to the meeting.
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